

List of Events for 5/01/2020 to 5/01/2021
Discussion with Chief Judge Leonard P. Stark 05/05/2020
NYIPLA Annual Meeting 05/12/2020
Discussion with Director Andrei Iancu, USPTO 06/04/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 06/16/2020
Economic Impacts of Alice-Related USPTO Guidance 06/29/2020
The July 2020 Amendments to the Federal Circuit Rules of Practice 07/08/2020
Discussion with Judge Lucy H. Koh 07/14/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 07/14/2020
What’s Data Got To Do With It: Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyrights . . . and Privacy? 07/22/2020
Trademark Case Decisions: The Past Year in the Courts and at the TTAB 07/23/2020
Alternative Dispute Resolution in the COVID-19 World: A Panel Discussion 07/29/2020
What A Trademark Practitioner Should Know About Tax Law – And What You Can Say To Your Client About It 07/30/2020
TTAB Update 08/04/2020
Pandemic Impacts on Trademark Enforcement, Licensing Breaches/Force Majeure, and Brands in Bankruptcies 08/05/2020
The Growing Scourge of Counterfeiting and Strategies to Tackle It 08/11/2020
Looking at Booking 08/13/2020
In-house Counsel Happy Hour (Invitation is extended to NYIPLA Young Lawyers Members) 09/09/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 09/15/2020
Developing Habits To Improve Your Practice & Take Better Care Of Your Clients 09/30/2020
Report on Facebook v. Windy City and its Impact on PTAB Practice 10/06/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 10/13/2020
Diverse Careers in Intellectual Property Law 10/13/2020
NYIPLA Presidents' Forum 10/21/2020
Arthrex at the Supreme Court: PTAB Administrative Patent Judges and the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution 11/03/2020
Fall Patent CLE Series 11/10/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 11/10/2020
Social Mixer - This Is Your Chance to Really Understand the PTAB: the Personal, the Professional, and the Anecdotal 11/12/2020
PTAB Committee Tackles Discretionary Denials 12/01/2020
NYIPLEF 2020 Virtual Wine and Food Event 12/03/2020
NYIPLA Board Meeting 12/08/2020
NYIPLA Presidents' Forum States Rights: Should States Legislate Intellectual Property in the Pharmaceutical Sector? 12/09/2020
Women in IP Law Trivia Night 12/16/2020
Update on Latest PTAB Rules and Precedential Decisions 01/05/2021
NYIPLA Board Meeting 01/12/2021
NYIPLA & NYIPLEF Joint CLE Program: Paths to Equity & Inclusion in Intellectual Property Law 01/28/2021
PTAB Committee Tackles PTAB’S Fast-Track Appeals Pilot Program 02/02/2021
NYIPLA Board Meeting with Committee Co-chairs and Liaisons 02/09/2021
IP Poetry Slam: Analysis of IP Case Law and Legal Developments 02/17/2021
Best Practices in the COVID Era 02/24/2021
Getting Ready for Arthrex Oral Arguments: Hear What Amicus Are Saying on Whether PTAB APJs Were Properly Appointed 02/25/2021
PTAB Committee Tackles Arthrex Oral Argument 03/02/2021
NYIPLA Board Meeting 03/09/2021
Biologics & Biosimilars: Where Do We Go From Here? 03/10/2021
Celebrating the Legacy of Justice Ginsburg 03/24/2021
Insights on the Ex Parte Appeal Process 04/06/2021
NYIPLA Board Meeting 04/13/2021
Arthrex Oral Argument: In-House Counsel Review 04/14/2021
99th Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary 04/22/2021
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