

List of Events for 6/01/2016 to 6/01/2017
PTAB Trials: Tips and Strategies 06/08/2016
USPTO Quality Check – One Year Later 06/14/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting 06/22/2016
3rd Annual Second Circuit Moot Court Argument CLE Program 07/12/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting 07/13/2016
2016 July 20 Hot Topics in Intellectual Property Law 07/20/2016
Happy Hour hosted by the NYIPLA Young Lawyers 08/09/2016
CANCELLED - How Intellectual Property Rights Can Work for Innovators 09/08/2016
Business Development for Young Lawyers: Building and Maintaining Professional Relationships in the IP World 09/13/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting with Committee Co-Chairs/Liaisons 09/20/2016
Managing / Trying Cases in a Post Issuance Review World: ‎Life at the PTAB / District Court Interface 09/21/2016
Young Lawyers Roundtable - Speaking the Language of Your Clients: Music Industry 09/26/2016
In-house Counsel Happy Hour (Invitation is extended to NYIPLA Young Lawyers Committee Members) 10/13/2016
Women in IP Law Fall Networking Event 10/19/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting 10/20/2016
Breakfast Roundtable with the Director of the Israel Patent and Trademark Office 11/06/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting followed by the Past Presidents' Dinner 11/09/2016
Show Me The Money! A Primer on Lanham Act Damages 11/10/2016
Happy Hour hosted by the NYIPLA Young Lawyers 11/15/2016
125th Anniversary of the Second Circuit Program 11/16/2016
2016 November 17 One-Day Patent CLE Seminar 11/17/2016
NJIPLA & NYIPLA Joint Program: Ethics Issues in IP Practice 12/08/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting 12/14/2016
NYIPLA Board Meeting 01/11/2017
Insights from Practitioners in the Nation's Busiest Patent Courts 01/11/2017
Understanding the Upcoming Changes to the Trademark Rules and Practice 01/12/2017
Happy Hour hosted by the NYIPLA Young Lawyers and Women in IP Law 02/07/2017
NYIPLA Board Meeting with Committee Co-Chairs/Liaisons 02/15/2017
Copyright Law & Practice and Trademark Law & Practice Happy Hour 02/16/2017
Protecting Valuable and Sensitive Information in the Corporate Setting 02/28/2017
NYIPLA and AABANY Happy Hour for Young Lawyers 03/03/2017
NYIPLA Presidents' Forum "Section 101 Is Broken. Is There a Legislative Fix?" 03/06/2017
NYIPLA Board Meeting 03/08/2017
Young Lawyers Roundtable - Speaking the Language of Your Clients: The Advertising Industry 03/23/2017
"Day of the Dinner" Luncheon CLE: Intent in Patent Cases: How Courts Sort Out Whether Infringement Is Knowing, Egregious or Exceptional 03/31/2017
95th Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary 03/31/2017
NYIPLA Board Meeting 04/19/2017
33rd Annual JPPCLE Seminar 04/27/2017
Mock Oral Argument: Reconsidering divided infringement issues in view of Federal Circuit’s decisions in Akamai v. Limelight and Centillion Data System v. Qwest 05/16/2017
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