Young Lawyers Roundtable: The ABCs of ADR

Young Lawyers Roundtable: The ABCs of ADR

Event Date
  • 2/23/2016   7:15 PM - 8:30 PM
    Please arrive early for registration
  • Crowell & Moring LLP
    590 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

Join the Young Lawyers Committee at its next Roundtable event, where we will discuss alternative dispute resolution as it applies to IP  law and counseling, including drafting arbitration clauses, the process of an arbitration, and enforcing an arbitration award.  The Roundtable will be led by experienced attorneys in the field, and participants are encouraged to ask questions and join in the discussion.

*Space is limited and open only to NYIPLA Members.

Daniel S. Ebenstein, Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP
Theodore K. Cheng, Fox Horan & Camerini LLP

Moderator:  Michael Sebba, Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP


7:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Registration
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Roundtable Discussion (Refreshments will be served)