How does claim amendment work in an IPR, and impact parallel litigation? What’s PTAB’s views of these actions? What does a successful motion to amend look like? What can you raise to oppose a motion to amend? How do you respond to PTAB’s preliminary views and final decisions on amendments? Join the NYIPLA PTAB Committee on Zoom at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) for its June 20 meeting and learn about all these issues.
During this virtual event, PTAB Committee Co-Chairs Charley Macedo and Ken Adamo, and NYIPLA Board Liaison David Goldberg will lead the discussion, joined by USPTO APJs Debra Dennett, Michael Cygan, John Fredman, and Brandon Warner to discuss steps of an ex parte appeal, how to correct mistakes made when filing the appeal briefs, and strategies for preparing an appeal brief. We are excited to have insightful contributions from the USPTO on the processes and procedures of appeal briefs and what can be done when inevitable mistakes arise throughout the process of preparing a brief.
Debra Dennett, Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO
Michael Cygan, Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO
John Fredman, Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO
Brandon Warner, Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO
There will be a Q&A session afterward. This event is free to all NYIPLA members and PTAB Committee members. 1.0 NY/NJ CLE credit will be available for attendees.
Please remember to re-register for the NYIPLA and PTAB Committee if you have not yet done so in the new year to continue to participate at no additional cost in the PTAB Committee CLE program on the third Tuesday of every month, at 4:00 p.m. ET