PTAB Committee Meeting: A Second Chance? A look at Amending Claims During IPRs
Event Date
- 6/20/2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Please arrive early for registration
- Zoom
How does claim amendment work in an IPR, and impact parallel litigation? What’s PTAB’s views of these actions? What does a successful motion to amend look like? What can you raise to oppose a motion to amend? How do you respond to PTAB’s preliminary views and final decisions on amendments? Join the NYIPLA PTAB Committee on Zoom at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) for its June 20 meeting and learn about all these issues.
Stephen J. Kenny, Partner, Foley Hoag
Jeffrey I.D. Lewis, Partner, Foley Hoag
Peter A. Sullivan, Partner, Foley Hoag