Trade Secrets Committee Meeting: Litigating DNA Trade Secrecy

Event Date
  • 9/19/2024   11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
    Please arrive early for registration
  • Zoom


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fee ends 9/19/2024
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fee ends 9/19/2024

Are DNA sequences protectable by trade secrecy? If so, recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have the potential to destroy trade secrecy protection for certain kinds of DNA sequence data. This talk will review the technology behind these advances, cases that have focused on DNA trade secrecy, and provide some practical suggestions for litigating DNA trade secrecy cases in our new, genomic age.

Jacob S. Sherkow, Professor of Law, University of Illinois College of Law

This event is FREE for all NYIPLA and Trade Secrets Committee members. Attendees will earn up to 1.0 CLE Credit